Web Sites

Established in 1997 as an outlet for my creative energies,  I developed  SitemasterOnline to convey the idea of adapting my experience in databases,  Microsoft applications,  and other programs to the Internet.

The concept of SitemasterOnline is to take the same technologies that larger businesses and organizations use,  and make them available to smaller, local-area companies and organizations. In short: To provide quality web sites and applications at affordable prices.

The Internet can provide an inexpensive and easily-accessible means of creating displays -- and one that reaches a potentially large audience of people. This makes Internet applications especially suitable for smaller-sized businesses and organizations.

In the "Web Sites" and "Databases" sections of this site, display samples have been set up to give a pictorial view of how these programs appear and what they do.

Jack Schultz - Applications Developer






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Email: sitemasteronline@hotmail.com
 Web Address: www.SitemasterOnline.com